Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Room Renovation...The beginnings.

My master bedroom renovations were supposed to start last weekend, but due to my mystery illness those plans had to be put on hold. Taylor was nice enough to start as much as he could. We bought some 3 drawer dressers from Ikea. They were a color that didn't match my bedroom furniture or what I was going for, but they were a good deal. So Taylor spray painted and stained them over the weekend taking them from this....(ugh)

To this.... Now I want to add some sort of hardware, but I'm waiting for the rest of my room to be done before I start drilling permanent holes into something. So more will come on this later.

Here is my bread spread. It is a natural color and so soft. I just love it. I am going to paint the wall a natural color with vertical stripes behind my bed in a shade darker or so. All around my room I have silver accents. From door knobs to light fixtures and such. I saw this mirror at Ross for $20 and just couldn't pass up the good deal. So I got and now it's just sitting on the ground waiting for it's new home in my house. I want to bring some silver into the room so we'll see how that all works out.

This is becoming quite the budget friendly renovations. I'm sure Taylor will like that, since this is probably the first he has heard about how all of these things are coming together. I found suede curtains at JC Penny on close out clearance. My heart skipped a beat when I saw them. It was love at first sight. I've never felt that way about curtains before. The first picture is of the curtains in another room. And the picture with the green curtains is how the placement of said curtains will be. Ok so that's most of everything that I have right now. The only other thing I have to show you is I made a very amateur drawing of what the wall with my bed on it will look like. Here it is...Laugh at it if you must, but I know how it's all going to look like in the end.
Don't mind the ugly bedspread and crooked lines. It was spur of the moment, and to just gather my thoughts. I'm thinking I could put up a shelve and put pictures on it. The things on the side our vases with a single plant leaf or flower in them. We'll see how the after picture actually looks but hopefully this weekend I will have something that looks similar to this.