Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Here' 1, and Here's 2

I did not start the Nursing program last month. That's ok though. Things have a funny way of working out.

Now on to the story behind the title of this post. I am knocked up.....with TWO babies. Yes, you read that right. Taylor and I will be the proud parents of two new little Sanderson's joining us sometime in the summer. If the babies listen to me then they will be arriving on August 2nd. Of course all children listen to their mother....ha!

Taylor and I had an ultrasound around 6 weeks. Due to my history of an ectopic pregnancy my doctor wanted to check things early and make sure things were where they should be.

The ultrasound tech looked like Thor the Thunder God. Super tall, with shaggy blond hair. His name was Ted though. Ted didn't show us what he was doing with the ultrasound to begin with. He finally showed us after I had to ask him about 15 minutes later. He then proceeded to say "Currently I am looking at your right ovary, but here's one, and here's two.

My only response was "uh...come again." Ted responded calmly "'s one baby and here's the second, you are pregnant with twins."

I'm pretty sure if Taylor hadn't been sitting down at the time he would have passed out.

We are excited to be on this journey...well we were until I did research on how much car seats, cribs and double strollers were....uh yeah....We'll be taking donations..

All sarcasm aside Taylor and are thrilled, and can't wait to meet the new additions.

Because I'm pregnant with twins I have an ultrasound about every 4 weeks to make sure the babies are growing as they should be. Today baby A had the hiccups and didn't want pictures taken. Sounds like lady drama already...Baby B was just chillin and didn't mind the pictures.....No lady drama with this one.

From the beginning I was convinced this is a boy and a girl. I'll be shocked if it isn't. Hopefully we will know at my next appointment. Here are some pictures from today's ultrasound.

Here's Baby A, not wanting a picture taken.

Here's Baby B, not minding the pictures.

And here's the two of their heads combined...


Barbara Knaub said...

Yay for the twins. I hope at least one of them is a girl so Jordyn can have a girlfriend... not that she won't love all the boys!

MisterE said...

Ash!!!!! That is awesome news, congrats to both of you. The funny thing is my twin bros were born on Aug 1. It must be a twin thing. Good luck with everything, if they are anything like my bros you are going to need it!

tiare said...

BEST. NEWS. EVER!!!! Congratulations Ashley! You'll be the best mommy!

Emily said...

Congratulations!! That is so awesome!

Emily W said...

I figured something was up. Congratulations. This is going to be a huge and hopefully fun adventure.

Sam Wright said...

YAY! Ah, the plums!

Tim & Annie said...

Twins!!! That is so exciting! Congratulations you guys!


Anxious to see if they are boys or girls, or one of both and start shopping!!! You know Kimball is thinking he is going to catch up with me now the Sandersons are multipling by TWOS!!! :)

Jeanette said...

Congratulations to you and Taylor! That is so exciting! I can't wait to find out what you're having!

Mike and Lisa said...

Congratulations!!! Mike and I are super happy for you guys!

Amazed said...

I don't think I've ever seen ultrasounds of twins before! So awesome! (when a door shuts, God opens a window. In this case, TWO!)